Chatbot Conversation Engines — Different Approaches

In this post we look at 4 different kinds of conversation engines that can be used for chatbots. The kind you choose to use can determine the power and flexibility of your final product — and ultimately how scalable it will be in handling diverse and myriad conversational flows. What is a conversation engine? To explain this, first we first have to understand a little about how chatbots work. Chatbots are software constructs that accept any kind of text input from users, with the intention of returning a reply, usually some kind of information that users are interested in....

January 29, 2021 · Joel Tok

One Host, Multiple Vue Apps

Problem We want to be able to access different VueJS frontend applications from the same host, differentiated by a base-path for each app. For example, on an example host, we want to host 2 applications: alpha and beta. Both these applications should be accessible from separate base paths, and, routed through the same reverse-proxy. Example Let us illustrate the above with a simple example. Let us assume we have the following barebones application structure....

December 29, 2020 · Joel Tok