This post is part of a 3 part series that uses a spreadsheet to answer the following question: can you retire? The 3 parts are as follows:
Part 1: Can I retire? Part 2: Optimising your Expenses Part 3: Optimising your Income Introduction Before I start, this post is not about investment advice. There are a lot of resources out in the web for that, and investments is something I cannot claim to be an expert in....
This post is part of a 3 part series that uses a spreadsheet to answer the following question: can you retire? The 3 parts are as follows:
Part 1: Can I retire? Part 2: Optimising your Expenses Part 3: Optimising your Income Introduction Welcome to Part 2 of the series Can I retire? In this part we will expand on the original post, and tackle with much more detail the expenses section of your spreadsheet....
This post is part of a 3 part series that uses a spreadsheet to answer the following question: can you retire? The 3 parts are as follows:
Part 1: Can I retire? Part 2: Optimising your Expenses Part 3: Optimising your Income Introduction In this post I will walk you through how you can look at where you stand right now in your finances, and help you decide if (1) you will be able to retire right now, and if not (2) what you need to do to finally retire....